You can reach us at the phone numbers or e-mail address listed below.Į-mail: provide as us with as much information as possible in order for us to accurately identify the items you need. Let MPS be your go-to source for help identifying and locating your specific parts need. The process of identifying the right part can be daunting at times. Having trouble locating the parts you need? We carry over 130 manufacturers’ products, over 100,000+ part numbers and decades of various engines, models and horsepower.

But because the market continues to evolve, making new products and improvements available in "real time" is absolutely necessary. In the past, Mercury waited for the model year changeover date before introducing new products and enhancements to existing models. This is also of particular importance if you are re-powering a boat with twin, triple, or quad engines.Įliminating the "model year" designation results in a host of benefits for consumers of our products and for the dealers who represent Mercury Marine. Your Mercury dealer can help you identify the model code(s) on the engine(s) you are interested in and ensure you are getting the very latest product. With this system, any models sharing the same code are physically identical, regardless of when they were built. Instead that will take place only when a significant product change occurs, such as a new model introduction where the newest variation replaces a prior version. Further, by eliminating model year, Mercury will no longer arbitrarily update the model code every 12 months. Going forward, that same second-to-last character will now be used to identify the "production era" of a given model. For example, a 1-225V23DD model code referred to a Mercury 225XL Verado and the "D" in the second-to-last position represented the 2005 model year. Because Mercury had a model year, that character within the code was automatically updated every 12 months.

In the past, the second-to-last character in the code was used to identify model year.

Mercury uses a code to identify each outboard model it produces.